Action: way or manner of moving: the action of a machine or of a horse.
Aids: 1. Also called natural aids. the means by which a rider communicates with and controls a horse, as the hands, legs, voice,and shifts in weight. 2. Also called artificial aids: the devices by means of which a rider increases control of a horse, as spurs, whip, and martingale.
Appointments: 1. Usually, appointments. equipment, furnishings, or accouterments. 2. appointments, accouterments for a soldier or a horse. 3. a horse-show class in which the contestant need not be a member of a hunt but must wear regulation hunt livery.
Ass: a long-eared, slow, patient, sure-footed domesticated mammal, Equus asinus, related to the horse, used chiefly as a beast of burden.
Astride: riding a horse with a leg on each side of; straddling.
Back: 1. an unnatural gait in which the horse moves in a backwards direction.
2. the posterior part of the the horse that extends from the base of the withers to where the last rib is attached.
Balk: to stop short and stubbornly refuse to go on.
Bareback riding: a form of horseback riding without a saddle. It requires skill, balance, and coordination, as the rider does not have any equipment to compensate for errors of balance or skill.
Barrel Racing: a rodeo event, usually for women, in which a horse and rider must race in a zigzag pattern around three barrels, competing for the fastest time.
Bat: a short whip-like used by a jockey.
Billets/Billet Straps: a strap that passes through a buckle, as to connect the ends of a girth.
Bit: the mouthpiece of a bridle, having fittings at each end to which the reins are fastened.
Blinders/Blinkers: leather sidepieces attached to a horse's bridle to prevent sideways vision.
Bolt: when a horse makes a sudden dash, run, flight, or escape.
Breaking or Breaking-In: 1. The art and skill of taming, training, or domesticating a wild or young horse. It is sometimes called starting or gentling. 2. (of a horse in a harness race) to fail to keep to a trot or pace, as by starting to gallop.
Bridle: part of the tack or harness of a horse, consisting usually of a headstall, bit, and reins. Never tie your horse using the bridle especially if the horse has a bi in its mouth. Use a halter for tying your horse.
Bridlepath: 1. a path suitable for riding or leading horses
2. A section at the top of the horse's mane where the crown of the bridle or halter sits. A bridle path makes taking your horse's bridle on and off easier with less tangles.
Broodmare: a female horse (mare) used for breeding
Buck: to leap with arched back and come down with head low and forelegs stiff, in order to dislodge a rider or pack.
Cadence: the beat, rate, or measure of any rhythmic movement (horse's movement)
Canter: a three-beat collected gait of a horse during which one or the other of the forelegs and both hind legs lead practically together, followed by the other foreleg and then a complete suspension when all four legs are off the ground.
Cavalletti: a series of timber jumps that are adjustable in height for schooling horses.
Chaps: a pair of joined leather leggings, often widely flared, worn over trousers, esp. by cowboys, as protection against burs, rope burns, etc., while on horseback.
Checkrein: 1. a short rein passing from the bit to the saddle of a harness, to prevent the horse from lowering its head. 2. a short rein joining thebit of one of a span of horses to the driving rein of the other.
Chestnut: 1. A small horny callus on the inner surface of a horse's leg. 2. a reddish-brown horse having the mane and tail of the same color. 3. Also called liver chestnut. a horse of a solid, dark-brown color.
Cinch: A strong girth used on stock saddles, having a ring at each end to which a strap running from the saddle is secured.
Colic: A condition characterized by acute spasmodic abdominal pain, especially that caused by inflammation, distention, etc, of the gastrointestinal tract
Colt: A male horse or pony under the age of four.
Condition: State of health or physical fitness.
Conformation: The shape or proportionate dimensions especially of horse.
Cool down: To bring the body back to its normal physiological level after fast, vigorous exercise or activity by gradually slowing the pace of activity or by doing gentle exercises (slow walk) or stretches.
Counter-canter: Deliberately cantering on the lead opposing the circle direction (ie - right lead canter while riding a circle to the left or vice versa).
Cow Kick: A forward kick with a hindlimb, dangerous to the mounting rider of a horse, or to the clinician examining a cow.
Crossties: Two pieces of rope that are anchored on two walls opposite each other. They are used to keep horses stationary while they are being groomed and/or tacked up.